Hello again! My apologies for the vanishing trick! ...What a year!
Well as you can see from the above images, the Tiger '211' "Doppelganger" is at a static point. Hopefully with the Holidays nearly upon us, I will have a bit of spare time a impetus to get it up to speed again.
The 'Sub Modulation' base coats have been applied... This is a tongue in cheek phrase, when asked to explain why I did this, prior to a top coat. I have been playing around with this for a while now, and by logically (I can be logical sometimes!) laying down a primer/base coat that matches the actual surface or substance to be painted (ie the vehicles actual primer colour, Zimmerit even, and burnt metals etc) I find you get a rich tone with a little more vibrancy, than just a single primer colour. Working as an Artist, I always attack a painting this way, by using light undercoats a 'lighter' look can be achieved. as shadow can when using darker earth tones. Another positive result of this, is larger chipping or peeling can be achieved, with masking or surface resistance techniques (hairspray,salt,oils) can be incorporated without to much trouble.
You can see the start of this upon this Prototype Krupp Turreted Tiger Ausf B! This is now ready to join the other members of it's 'ambush' at 'Barkmann's Corner'. After finishing it's Zimmerit phase over on the Zimmerit-it Blog. This is going to be a 1./s.Pz.Abt.503 machine... You guessed it in Normandy. I still need to pin down it's tactical number, but hopefully this one should also be back on track soon!
Take care all! Cheers Phil.