Normal service looks as though it is on the horizon! Along with the North west of England's 'standard' weather pattern! So activity is blossoming up the workbench, in all earnest... Or maybe that should be 'Ernst'? Panther on the way perhaps?
With a little spare time coming my way, I have managed to get some more 'Tiger trashing time' in! My main focus has been upon the remaining side skirts upon this 'Tamed Tiger'. ...This is not as easy as I first presumed, some real care has to be taken in order not to deform the part of the fender that is attached to the sponson.
Also I intentionally soldered the support fillets to the main skirt panel a little heavier than normal, (honest!!!) as when I tested a one the end fillet separated under the stress of the folding with the pliers.
Some of this damage does look a bit over the top on the skirts, and a lot of other modellers would probably not have gone as 'extreme'! But this is how '211' Doppelganger looked in the images I have.
And here is the left hand side, for your consideration!
I have also been adding some further empty stowage clamps and fastenings. Looking at images where Tigers have been stripped of their external stowage, I have noted that some of the attached fittings have quite visible weld seams holding them to the hull roof. Rooting through some tubs the Bosch light resurfaced, and now needs only a little more detailing before fitting.
Whilst attaching some more of the external fittings, I have come to a quandary with the Tetra extinguisher bracket. As the extinguisher has either been 'half inched' (liberated) or exploded during the fire, my thoughts are focused upon the retaining straps... Would they have survived?
What is going to be attached to the rear of the turret of this 'dishevelled Doppelganger' you ask? ...Well Gentlefolk, it is going to be Voyagers 'Rommelkiste' or Turret Stowage Bin (on a lateral thought, do any of our German speaking readership, has a precise translation for Rommelkiste? My scant German, and trawling of the translation sites leaves me non the wiser) , this part of '211' appears to have taken a real battering, bearing the scars of small arms penetration, fire damage, and a whacking great plunging fire hole on the top behind the missing lid of the stowage bin.
Now it is starting to look like it is on the way to the painting stage in the not to distant future.
Right I have an impending appointment with a soldering Iron... Take care, I'll be back soon!
Cheers Phil.